Monday, March 30, 2009

So it goes, indeed

And after the 423rd time, the results are the same.

Definition of insanity: Repeating the same action several times and expecting a different result.

Why do people do this? Why do they do the same things over and over and over again, hoping, longing, expecting something new.

Nothing new will come.

I think maybe, we all know this, but we'll try that 424th time just to be sure. To be sure that we won't miss our golden opportunity. To be sure we at least have a shot.

We hope that things will be different afterwards. We hope that maybe this next time, we'll be surprised by what we find.

Humanity is insane. I am insane.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Nothing goes by them. You can make them all you want, and dream them up, but it will never happen like it was supposed to.

Sometimes it's better to do without them. Just fly by the seat of your pants as the expression goes. Wing it. Go with the flow. No matter how you say it, sometimes just letting go of order and the rythm of life is the best way to do things.

If you really want to have a plan, make it easy to amend. There are no rules, they're really more like guidelines.

Parlay. :p

Friday, March 27, 2009


My Brother and his wife are in town! It freaking rocks!!!

I didn't really realize how much I missed the source of so much childhood torture, until he was pulling into our driveway! :p

Anyways, FUCKING AWESOME!!!! That's all you need to know.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Check This Out

So, my friend Sean decided to write a story based on real life. Anyway, I really like it, even though it's only two 'chapters' long. But he wan't people to read it, so I thought I'd share with you.

I really like it so far, maybe because i'm a promenant character, but whatever, just read it!

Start with "1" and then read "2", it's fairly basic :p

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

No Title

I wish I had nothing to complain about, but I do.

Luckily for you, I won't be listing anything specific here. I'm Just going to leave it at this:

Shit happens. Life goes on. And no one cares.

Anyway, I hope everyone else is having a better spring break than I am.
Enjoy your time off kids. (yeah, I just called everyone kids, including you Ms. Abel)

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I find the lack of good adventure quotes disturbing. (Yes, I will bend Star Wars quotes to my will)

So, I’ve been thinking a lot lately. About anything and everything, as I always do. I’ve come to a conclusion, one that I’ve lived by for sometime without naming it. Adventure is what makes life worth living. Now, define adventure. Well, it can be anything really, from reading a book to climbing a mountain. It doesn’t even have to be something new to you. If you liked it the first time, why not try the same adventure twice? All that matters is that it gets you excited. Adventure fuels the fires of passion.

The reason I bring this up is, for one, to share a philosophy, and two, I’ve been ignoring this philosophy lately. I’ve let my life slip into an inane, melancholy, monotony. It’s been lame as hell and I’m tired of it.

I have had adventures this week sure. Helping the drama kids out with the scaffolding was definitely an adventure. Getting lost with Kara while we were supposed to go to Scott’s Reservoir was hilarious. I loved those moments, but I’ve had things in my way that have prevented me from fully appreciating life like I used to.

Anyway, all that is over. I’m ready for life again. I am tired of feeling awful, I choose to be happy. I choose to live.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!!!!!

Now! Who want's to go get wasted on green beer!?! :p

Monday, March 16, 2009


People need to blog more. Myself included, I guess, but mostly you guys! The only person this does not apply to is Ms. Abel, who blogs almost everyday.

"In an insane world you have to go a little crazy or die with your sanity." -Sean Harris

"They say insane people think they are sane, so maybe with a reverse look at it. People who find themselves to be insane, are sane. But then what does that say about people as a whole, those who find themselves insane would normally seek help for their problems, as any sane person would. While the insane people hide it from themselves thus falling deeper into insanity. The sane get saner and the insane sink farther." -Sean Harris

Stuff like this reassures me. I am not alone in my thoughts. There are stll people who see the world for what it is. Smart people truly exist.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

More Updates...?

So, still no word from the cancer clinic, which is apprently a good thing, because that means they haven't found anything yet. She's taking a leave of absence for like a month or so during her hysterectomy and whatnot, which is scheduled for April 3rd I think. Which means that she won't be working while my brother and his wife come up to visit. That's a change because hell-on-earth, also known as "Wal-Mart", wasn't going to let her take any time off.

I have a flu or something, I don't even know, but it started yestreday, and I'm really worried about not being able to donate blood. I NEED to get over this.

Anyway, for those of you who still care, that's what's up with me

Thursday, March 12, 2009


My mom was released today, she's feeling ok.
The biopsy last night went well, waitng on results now, I guess.
She has an appointment tomorrow morning, maybe get some news then.
She has to get a hysterectomy sometime soon, wether or not her uterus is cancerous.

Thank you all for your sympathy and support, it was much appreciated, even if I didn't show it.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


My mom is in the hospital.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Leaps and Bounds

I'm right fucking here.
Come and get me.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What Else Would This Be About?

My friggin' birthday!

It rocked! Even though we didn't do anything extraordinary, it was still one of the coolest birthdays ever.

Hanging out with three of the best people in the world, laughing A LOT, and just plain being happy, it was all so awesome.

It's a Mad Mad Mad MAd World, is still seriously one of the coolest movies ever, and I'm really glad that we watched it, even if we didn't finsh the three hour long epic comedy. We're going to finish it sometime, I promise.

Thanks for everything. I love you all.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

On the First day of March

Countdown: T-minus 4 days

I'm officially excited. Not because I'll be able to get into R-rated movies, for hot sake, I've been doing that since 12. No, privileges do not interest me, most of the time I feel like I should have been doing them way before I was "legally allowed" to.

No, I'm excited for the possibilities. I have this feeling in my gut, an intuition, that things are going to change in the comming week. For better or for worse, and hopefully the better. =]

I'm blogging kind of early so not much has happened, mostly I've just been cleaning.

Thinking of you constantly
Peace and Love