Friday, February 27, 2009

Just a Big Old Smile :D

I don't care what 'they' say, everything is greener and this side of the fence.

My mom brought home chinese food today, from China Wok. It was good, I hadn't had it in so long I forgot I liked it so much.

So, yeah, Yum!

Then we talked for a while. And for the first time in months, she was happy!
She told me that she scheduled her next (and first) vacation time.
August 1st, we're going down to San Diego!

I asked her if I could possibly invite someone along. She told me she'd think on it, and to ask me again later, especially if things had changed.

I'm trying to keep my promise. =]

School has been going well for the most part. The exception being Adv. Bio. I tanked the last test with a D. No bueno. But I think I did alright on this one. Fingers crossed, right?

The future is looking bright, mostly because the present is so dark, but also because momentous events are fixing to take place.

I'm so excited, I just can't hide it. :p

Anyways, there's my up-to-date-update.

Enjoy your weekend.

And stay classy Show Low! ;)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Surreal Life

What the fuck?

Life has recently thrown me curveball after curveball.
My priorities have been flipped, turned up side down.
Next thing you know i'm going to be the prince of a town called Bel Air.

I'm going to be 17 in a week, and that is tripping me out for no reason.
Birthdays have never been a big deal for me, but this one seems big for some unknown reason.

No other updates, sorry.....

But, Abel, if you have any cool little questions or some blog game, post em up, they're usually quite entertaining....EXCEPT WHEN SOME PEOPLE SEVERELY DISSAPOINT ME WITH THEIR LACK OF PINK FLOYD KNOWLEDGE!!!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Abel's Questions

1. Which comic superhero do you most associate yourself with?
Spawn. He went completely evil, led satan's army for a bit, and then he basically turned it all around. I don't know. I guess that's kinda how i felt after a long time of not caring about anything and then turning that around. Not to mention he is bad ass and we both have outfits that are actually attahed to us like an awesome extra layer of ass kicking skin.

2. What is life’s hardest lesson you have learned so far?
I'm sorry if this offend you in any way, but the hardest thing i've ever learned was that it's better to believe god doesn't exist, than to believe that he does exist, but he doesn't care about anyone.

3. What is your most valuable possession?
I am my most valuable possession.

4. What is your favorite guilty pleasure?

5. What is that one thing that drives you crazy?
Stupid people, especially when they think that they are intelligent. Why can't people be open-minded enough to just admit when they are wrong. Why can't people accept different ideas? Just because i don't believe in god, that doesn't mean i disagree with all religions and that i dislike people who are religious.

6. How good of a judge of character are you?
Better now than i was a few years back. But really, i hate doing it, even though i do it contantly. I feel like i have no right to judge people, but really, i don't want to hang out with jerks, douchebags, and bitches.

7. What is the best compliment you have received to date?
I was once told that it was hard to stop talking to me. I think that's really neat because i'm never really sure how i'm coming off to people. Like i'm pretty bad at judging if people do or do not like me, unless they make it obvious.

8. What scares you the most about opening your heart to someone?
Well, isn't this more or less the same for everyone? Rejection. Who doesn't fear it? No one like to open up to some one just to have their hearts turned down.

9. What is the weirdest thing about you?
You'd have to ask someone else. Everything that makes me weird is what makes me, me. I happen to like myself. So i'm a bit biased.

10. What games did you play when you were little?
Umm, what didn't we play. There were a lot of kids on in my neighborhood. We had a near infinte amount of things to play. You name it, i more than likely played it.

11. If a genie offered you three wishes, what would they be?
1) more wishes
2) the money to do whatever i wanted in life
3) someone to do those thing with

12. On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you right now?

13. Is there anything you were passionate about when you were younger but that you gave up?
Hmmmm, not really. I wasn't really passionate about anything. I guess i was all about fun, but that hasn't exactly changed.

14. What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?
HA! Depend on who you ask. Riding motorcyles is stupid to some. Personally, i guess, that period in my life where i cared nothing for anything, that was dumb because it was time ill wasted.

15. If money were no object, what would you do with your life?
I'd do everything i have promised to do. I would take her where she wanted. I would take her to Europe. I would build her that house. I would do everything that my idealistic little brain could imagine.

16. What was your very first impression of me? (It’s okay to be honest!)
Um, well, seeing as i was the quiet new kid for the first few weeks of school, my first impression was indifference. If you would have told me that i would be hanging out with one of my teachers 7 months from then, i would have had my doubts. But everything turned out pretty cool. Thanks for everything Ms. Abel

17. What is something you've always wanted to try?
Snowboarding. And now that i've lived on this mountain, i have no excuse not to go, but i want someone to go with

18. What song would you pick to sing at a karaoke bar?
Wish You Were Here

19. What is the one thing that you have done in your life that you would want to undo?
I try to live my life without regrets, because it's everything that's happened that has brought me here today and made me who i am. Though, i kinda wish i could have met SOMEONE from my dad's family....they all died either before i was born, or before i got the chance to meet them. I connect a lot with my dad, and i think i would have loved to meet the people who made my father the guy he is.

20. What is the one thing that you would want your children to learn about life?
I would like to teach my children all of my life philosophies because they really do help make me a better and happier person. I want them to know that the people who talk shit don't matter. That i will always love them. Though, my kids wouldn't have normal problems....because they're imaginary. But they do have to deal with the imaginary unicorns.... not that i did it...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Me Cocktail

So while talking to a beautiful and intelligent friend of mine I polished the details of another “philosophy” of mine.

It is about what makes up people’s personalities. I firmly believe that other people influence us constantly. Who we all are, is what we all make each other. We get everything from other people. From our likes and dislikes to our mannerisms and speech. We learn everything from other people. We laugh at what other people think is funny. We cry when others would do the same. We are not social robots though. We do not merely use everything we learn. No, we learn and absorb, then we process everything we see and hear. We analyze everything. Then we keep what we want, what applies to us and who we would like to become, and we use it. Everything we disagree with or that isn’t important or does not help us towards who we want to be, we mark it as garbage for deletion.

So, you might be thinking that I believe individuality does not exist because everyone is just copies of other people. Copies of copies. No no no. Although everyone is made up of the influences of others, we all are made up of different mixtures of these influences. We are all our own cocktails of influences. Then, as we grow older, we start doing all this more consciously. We actively shape who we want to become. We add parts to the mixture that we know we want in there. This also gives us more to give to other people.

This is how I believe people come to be. I mean after birth, silly. This is how I am. Everything I am, everything that makes me me, is what makes others who they are. Inside each person, you can see others. You can see them in yourself. And sometimes, when you’re lucky, you can see yourself in others.
So we all walk around this earth; we influence and are influenced. And we slowly mix the cocktails of ourselves

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Just Say No

Society, what the hell do you think you are doing? Do you actually like stripping people of their identities? Or is that just a neat bonus effect when you get them to bend to your will and conform to your screwed up normality. What can you consider “normal” when everyone is different? When everyone is their own person, thinking their own thoughts, living their own lives. What the fuck do you expect from people? No one is perfect, especially you. Society, you fuck more people up than abusive parents, meth, and wealth combined. So when you look me in the face and say, “You’re supposed to do this.” I am going to show you my central digit and politely tell you to FUCK OFF.

What? You say that by being happy on the outside I can become happy on the inside? No, it doesn’t work that way. That’s called repressing emotions. I’m not going to be another one of your stupid robots. I don’t want to be like everyone else. And if you or one of your mindless, soulless robots doesn’t like it, I couldn’t care less. I used to hate those people, the people you’ve turned to the dark side. But now, I see that it’s you that is the root of the evil. What you do to people, that is unforgivable. You tried to do it to me. I was fortunate enough to see past.

Why do I not care about stupid things like grades? Because that is not how you measure one’s ability to learn. That is not how you measure knowledge, nor intelligence. That is just another weapon you use to make us conform to your ways. Do not get me wrong, I love learning. Knowledge is the most precious resource we have, and I love swallowing it greedily. I hate that it’s just one more way to cast us out, to label us as inadequate and be rid of those that see through you. You motivate people to do things by telling them that if they don’t, no one will like them, no one will want them, no one will care about them. That’s not right. My motivation for doing things varies. Why do I pass all my classes if I do not care about them? Because someday people I care about will depend on me to provide a good life for them. If I don’t go to college, the only thing that I will miss out on is the opportunity to learn. I don’t care if you want me to believe that I need a degree to do anything. That’s not true. The armed services are a great example of a steady paying job, with benefits, that can provide for families. You don’t need a degree to enlist. I’m not saying this is my option one. No, I’m just providing an example.

I’m not sure if everyone will agree with the “Fuck society” statement, but that’s the beauty of it, I don’t care. I do not want to come off as whiny or “anti-conformist” or as a snob, that’s not my attitude toward this. My attitude is one of disgust. I loath society and its set of rule or norms, or whatever you want to call them. I don’t inherently hate the rules, but I hate that they are given to us.

“But that’s not normal!”

I’m not normal.

Hair isn't here at the moment, may i take a message?

Cyanide & Happiness @

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009


"I shall pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now."

I just got my organ donor sticker thing in the mail.
That made me so happy!

That quote was in the little thank you letter they sent me. Totally awesome.

That's it.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

The New Game

Mike (Michael) Hair
2.WITNESS PROTECTION NAME:(mother and father's middle names)
Marie David
3.NASCAR NAME:(first name of your mother's dad, father's dad)
Charles Dwight
4.STAR WARS NAME:(the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name)
5.DETECTIVE NAME:(favorite color, favorite animal)
Green Eagle
6.SOAP OPERA NAME:(middle name, town where you were born)
David San Diego
7.SUPERHERO NAME: (2nd fav color, fav drink, add "THE" to the beginning)
The Blue Tea
8.FLY NAME:(first 2 letters of 1st name, last 2 letters of your last name)
9.STREET NAME:(fav ice cream flavor, fav cookie)
Vanilla Peanutbutter
10. PORN NAME: (1st pet's name, street you grew up on)
Pocita Pocata(little shit, Poco for short) Everest
11.YOUR GANGSTA NAME:(first 3 letters of last name plus izzle)


So, confrences.

Apparently i'm doing better than i thought.
My two B's are the result of random error.
Video: because he thought i hadn't paid the course fee
History: she really doesn't know why, but by going to confrences i can fix it anyway.
Then Calc: Bledsoe is cool, said i could have a big mouth but am quiet most of the time. Says i'm haning out with the right people, well duh.
Adv. Bio.: Doc likes me i guess. She says i'm doing well, but she said she hadn't caught the AcaDec kids' grades up yet, so idk if i'll keep that A

My mom was pleased, so that makes me happy.

We went to Safeway afterwards. I got some juice drinks for tomorrow in Docs, so we don't have to drink soda.

Oh by the way: I'm officially done with soda.

I don't really like how i've been eating. So, i'm going to try and be a bit heathier overall.

that's the update.

Peace out.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Another World

"Whose next? Mike, he set me onto this whole thing, probably my closest friend on an intellectual level, god damn why did you leave. Nothing is the same, german is gay, school is gayer, and just talking to you is gone, besides on the interbuttz. But we will have our time to be the kings we should be one day." -Sean Harris

So, apparently this blogging thing is spreading to my old friends, and i'm the carrier. That's one of my best friends, Sean. I've probably talked about him before in front of you guys.

You read the words of the first guy to ever make me cry, and the words he did it with.

Like i said we used to be great friends. Then i moved, and we drifted. I don't know.

I told kara today "time and space can't break bonds"

I guess they can't, but they can weaken them.

I'm not regretting moving.

No, i'm done with that.

I wouldn't be the person i am today if i hadn't moved.

So as i thought about it, i cried.

and i'm actually not afraid to admit that.

I used to, at one point.

I used to think i had to keep up the a-guy-doesn't-cry image.

I couldn't care less about what anyone thinks of me anymore.

So i had a tear on my cheek, but a grin on my face.

He's fucking right.

We are going to be kings.


Friday, February 6, 2009

I've seen better days

Yeah, that's right, Sublime.

So yesterday ended up being pretty cool.
Only one thing specifically, but overall it was still good.

It was Seth's (Ben's lil bro) birthday.
He's such a cool kid.
He turned 10.
We played Harry Potter Clue, which was actually pretty fun.
There were some funny songs played.
"Dead puppies aren't much fun"
I gave Seth my watch, but i guess his dad wanted to give it back today.
that made me kinda sad actually.

Anyway yesterday was pretty good.

First hour: Sub, we worked on a quiz as a group
i hope i was able to help people make heads and tails of that stuff.
Second hour: Kaiyla actually requested for people to stop assuming that i was perfect
She was kind enough to not mention names specifically, and i appreciated the effort
idk if it'll stick though
Lunch: Made up the Reproductive and Integumentary Systems test for Adv. Bio.
Probably failed, unless i get really lucky, then i'll get a C
Third hour: AIDS sucks really really really bad. (yeah i know stupid statement)
we're watching this Age of AIDS video, it's interesting, but also really scary and sad
Fourth hour: nothing, same old same old

So like i said: interesting
an ok day
i'm thinking about you

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Forbidden Fruit

Why did Adam and Eve eat the apple?
They had everything they could ever want.
and God gave them one rule to follow.
don't eat the apple.
don't think about eating the apple.
don't dream about eating the apple.
don't even dream about thinking about eating the apple.
One simple rule to follow and humans couldn't do it.

I don't believe in god, or any religion at all.
I can see the value in Bible stories though.
and based on my experiences, nothing entices us more than what we can't have.
Most people will never become even slightly famous, but almost everyone would like to be famous.
People have celebrity crushes that will obviously not come true.
We want what we can't have.
And for every person it's different.
Everyone has their forbidden fruit.

"Do you get put on a pedestal a lot?"
Yeah i know i keep complaining about this, but goddamn, just because i put forth
some amount of effort in a class, i get the "genius" label.
I hate that so much.
Last semester it was English with Nikolaus, now it's History.
What's worse is the fact that Kaiyla is in that class too.
She is way smarter than me and she gets like no credit.
I don't care what anyone says, the "spotlight" sucks.

30 hours with only 3 hours sleep sucks, but i guess it's my own fault.
Couldn't sleep at all last night.
Too much on my mind.
Too much that i learned, and even more to come.

Didn't eat today.
Threw up this morning, and almost did it again in first hour.

I guess Dylan decided to be "cute" and drew i neat little caricature of me right on my windshield.
I was irrationally mad, but i was tired and annoyed.
Sped all the way home cause i was frustrated.
Got lucky, a cop saw me, but i went by too fast for him to react, i guess he just let it go...

Anyway, kind of a sucky day...

that's all i guess....bye...?

Monday, February 2, 2009

Hey kids! Do you like violence?

So i haven't blogged in a long time...
if that means anything....

I don't know, today was pretty much lame.

Hey, Ms. Abel:
I'm personally sorry for what was told to Prevo
no excuses, we were dicks
personally, i felt like it was my fault
if i could have not blown at relay
if i could have studied harder
no that's a song...
seriously though, if i could have idk
memorized my actual speech...?
or lived up to my math rep
or anything
personally, i don't know if prevo's score even counted
if his walking out of speech even effected the team
or if it was just Kim and Ashton's scores
21 motherboard fucking points
so we didn't really make state
really, i didn't expect to, especially when abel said,
"If we do make it to state it'll be because of (points to me)"
i'm a cocky, arrogant, douche, but if i was the difference maker
we were fucked from the start
then on top of all that bad news
Ben and Stuart get to have the medals taken away
way to go AcaMorons

Mornings suck
well...January Mornings suck
too goddamn cold
de-icing my car
numb hands
not bueno

Bitchy bitchy bitch bitch
yeah that's basically what's coming out of my mouth


it seems to me that i'm getting to know more people better
than i have before
old friends i realize are quickly becoming dumb
immature beyond all reason
which means something coming from someone in AcaDec
where the that's-what-she-said's, your mom jokes, and other such crude humor

then people whom i only knew of, or barely talk to
idk, out of the blue i'm more social with

what's with this new 3-d craze?
didn't this all happen already?
like a decade ago?

speaking of new trends
I hate the Arizona government
and i hate the fact academics takes a back seat to sports
oh? you say we need to make budget cuts?
ok then lets take the department that already recieve
the lowest funding and take it all away
cause for god's sake we can't touch the $100,000
football budget. no no no
that would be a travesty

So i'm guessing you're wondering why i quoted
Eminem in my title.
Well, i really don't know
that's just how i roll