Tuesday, June 30, 2009

That's When It Happened

He's a lone ranger
Mysterious stranger
She's miss popular
Every girl copies her
He always walks alone
She always has her phone
He saw her the other day
She always looks his way
He didn't bat an eye
She felt her heart fly
He watched as she drew near
She wasn't used to fear
And that's when it happened
Her whole world was flattened
He had been hurt before
A hurt that was still sore
His voice was icy cold
As the story was told
She cried a silent tear
He took a sip of beer
And then it was over
No chip off his shoulder
She wiped the tear away
And looked across the bay
But that's when it happened
Her whole world was flattened
He grabbed her by the wrist
And stunned her with a kiss
He had so much passion
That this queen of fashion
Had felt her heart falter
Now dreams of the alter
And that's when it happened
Their whole world was flattened
They'll always remember
That night in December

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Maybe I Won't Look Back

In about a month, I'm going to be back in San Diego. Maybe I'll pack a little heavier than I originally planned. Then again, maybe I won't pack at all. Maybe I'll ask my grandparents if I could stay. I'll babysit the kids across the street, they think I'm fun and their parents are loaded. Maybe I'll start my old life back up. Or maybe I'll start a new one again. This time, it'll be what I want.

I moved here one year ago. I didn't want to. I cried in my grandparent's minivan when we left. I hid it by pretending I was asleep. Now, a year later, I still feel like a stranger to this town. I still feel out of place; an unfamiliar face.

So maybe I'll stay in SD. For a while. I don't think I want to stay in any one place too long any more. I wouldn't mind a life constantly on the road.

Don't get me wrong, I've come to like a lot of people here, I like most people, really. But, I still feel like I have no reason to stay. Like there's nothing left for me here.

I could help Sean fix his Dart and be there when he first cruises down the streets and turns heads.

I could hitch hike across the country. I could save enough money doing odd jobs to get to Europe and go from there.

I wish I lived in the late 1800's. When the days of the cowboy where still around. I could wander the west and get into fights. I could die in a show-down.

What's the modern version of a show-down?

I think I got off topic.... something about a loaded six string on my back...

It kinda feels like nothing in the past year has gone really right, and unfortunately, the world isn't a Disney movie, not everything works out in the end. So, maybe it's time for me to live like the reckless character in an S. E. Hinton novel. Maybe it's time for me to end my small town story and find something else.

Or, maybe it's not. Maybe I do have a reason to stay. I have a month to figure that out, now, don't I?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

This is not right.

In no way, shape, or form is this cool. I'm scared. Can someone tell me what the hell this is. Because to me, it looks like a teleporting zombie.

For Sidney's Convenience

Reason #6: The night doesn't feel right, unless I'm up til two talking to you.

And so it goes. Never stopping, never slowing. No one knows where exactly he is going.

"Do you hear a whistle?" Said the man blown up by a missile.

Love and peace. Peace and love. Fly forever, my freedom dove.

Jack and Jill went up the hill. Jack popped a pill and Jill came tumbling after.

"Are you here?" "No, and neither are you." (Think about that for a while)

Laying in bed. Nothing to be said. Leave the cash on the table. So much for your fairy tale fable.

Words are offense, dirty, and mean. Words are kind, silly, and clean. You tell me, which sentence is more obscene?

Sunday, June 21, 2009

"Oh for Pete's sake!" "Who's Pete? Someone I should know about?"

(I also found a nickel)
I love the Fairly Odd Parents!
If you don't screw you and get off my blog.
I kid! I kid!
But seriously leave. =

Hey! How's it going guys and gals? Hope you're all having good summers.

Me, it's not bad =p
No, it's pretty good, nothing exciting really, but I am making plans. The 13th-24th of July I shall have guests and from the 24th-whenever.the.hell.I.feel.like.coming.back I'm going to be in San Diego. So yay me!

Aslo sometime during my friends' stay up here, I'm going to throw some sort of party type thing. I think I know where I'm going to have it, but I'm still working out the final details. Anyway, if you read this blog then you are invited, it's going to be insane, so you should come. Also, if you want to help me with this, just let me know, I could use ideas about anything really.

Also, I've been pretty awesome lately, not sure why. Don't question the good, right?

Hey, if anyone wants to hang out, get ahold of me, I'm always down.

Peace and love my friends.

Friday, June 19, 2009

I've seen the same epidsode of the colbert report 5 times now

Okay, so as most of you know, my dad and I started remodeling today. First day is always demolition. We got A LOT done. We put an entry way into a wall. We tore apart an huge island. We pulled up carpeting in one room. Two trips to the dump.

The island was the biggest bitch. For some unexplainable reason, whoever built it decided they wanted counter space that could withstand nuclear attack. I shit you not (I don't get that phrase at all, but whatever). They put a three inch thick slab of steel rebarb reinforced concrete on it. The framing was so heavy duty that I'm pretty sure you could have put a few tons on the damn thing and it wouldn't budge. It took about and hour and a half to two hours to take the thing apart. Obviously the slab was too heavy to move in one piece so I took the back end of an ax (the only thing close to a sledgehammer we have) and beat the crap out of it.

I'm completely beat. But I don't mind, I'm helping bring my mom's dream to life. Oh, and you all better frequent the shop when it's done or I'm going use that ax again before I starve to death and/or move away.

I was supposed to meet Sidney and her siblings...?.... at the movies tonight, but I never did see them, so I watched Year One by my lonesome. It was pretty good, not sure it was worth the full 8 bucks, but I got a few laughs. Sorry I missed you Sidney.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My Life Is Average


This is seriously one of my new favorites things of all time. Thanks Kyle (H.)!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Yeah So

Dentist went fine, felt nice and clean afterwards. No cavities as usual, and no oral cancer, so yay for not chewing tobacco!

I didn't really sleep well last night, nor the night before, so even though it's still kinda early, I'm tired.

I hung out with some cool people today, it was nice to be out of my house and doing stuff, even if we did end up in Wal-Mart, which is probably the saddest hang out spot ever. But it wasn't the places it was the people, so today was still pretty cool.

Ummm..... if you don't already know, we finally signed a lease to this building and my parents are going through with my mom's business. Hair By Hair: Beauty Supply and Salon. So pretty soon my time is going to be filled with remodeling the building with my dad and then working for my parents eccentially.

Th other good thing about life at the moment is knowing that in a little less than a month now, two of my best friends are coming up here for about a week or so and then we're all road tripping back to San Diego, and I'm just really excited about that.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Title unrelated...except maybe the life part.

Woke up and 11:30 to my dad knocking on my door. We were supposed to go to this picknic type thing for the people who live in Linden Trails, like we're some kind of elite society or something. So we get there, and like the last time I went to one of these things, I look around and I am the only one below the age of 40 and above the age of 10. I would have been the youngest but someone must have brought their two great-granddoughters or something. Point is, three hours of boredom. Well, not complete boredom, I mean, we were at Fools Hollow so I went off by myself and walked around the lake and sat on one of those metal peer things. And I hung around my dad, who was slightless bored, and we kept each other entertained with our humor, and some Coors.

So yeah, when we get home, like literally as I stepped through the door, the phone rang and my new glasses were ready, so I went and got those and rented Gran Torino.

Gran Torino is a great movie, if you haven't seen it, you're missing out. Also, badass cars.

Now I'm here, not sure what to do with myself, but today has been a good day. I find if I have stuff to do, even if it's not all that entertaining, I have better days.

So please, if anyone wants to hang out, let me know!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

They Will Listen Now

Mom, Dad, it’s not your fault.

I had one line down on the paper. My hand was trembling. I tried to calm myself to steady it. I leaned back against my chair and I closed my eyes. With the darkness came memories.

Donna Miller was sitting at her desk, biting her cheek and looking down at her test. She was the prettiest and the most popular girl in school. Funny how those two ALWAYS go together.

Me? I was your average genius kid. I liked reading, school, and Star Wars. Yeah, I’m your stereotypical geek.

She looked up, and I looked down. I had already finished my final, it was a cinch. I only stayed in the classroom so I could… never mind.

So, after 20 more minutes, I was getting bored of just sitting there, so I got up handed in my test and left.

20 feet down the hall and my face suddenly becomes real good friends with a metal locker.

“Hey, Jet.” I say
“Shut the hell up, faggot!” He returns to tumultuous applause from his cronies, the hockey team.

Back story to Jet is he’s the star hockey player in out little Michigan town. He’s not really that handsome, so he breaks the typical star jock mold a little, but what he lacks in looks he makes up for in steroid use. Oh, did I mention he’s been terrorizing me for a solid 8 years now?

So after the cronies shove my head into the urinal and Jet pisses on my head for the umpteenth time, they figure that’s enough humiliation for one day and leave me alone. No, I don’t cry. I don’t make a sound the entire time and my face is passive. And I’m not outwardly angry at Mr. Synthetic Hormone either. It’s getting freaking old though, I can tell you that.

The day turns out to be rather normal. I ace all my tests and spend my spare time in the band room playing my saxophone in a corner. Today is a day just for finals, and I am a human made just for testing. I don’t have to study, I don’t sweat the tests, it all comes natural to me. I have a good memory I guess. So, yeah, normal day.

That is until the final bell rings.

I’m walking through the parking lot towards the family mini van I drive to school when Jet shows up again.

“So, rumor has it, you have a thing for Donna, huh? That’s really cute, let’s see what she thinks. HEY! HEY DONNA! DID YOU KNOW THAT REESE HERE LOVES YOU?”
Donna Miller turns around, looks at me and gags. Yeah, she actually gags.
“Ouch, little man, looks like you’re shit outta luck. Oh, and speaking of shit…”
I’m on the ground before I know what’s happening. My mouth is forced upon and something foul smelling and tasting is shoved into it. If you’re thinking right now, “Did they shove dog crap into this kid’s mouth?” The answer is no.

It was human.

I gag, bad. I puke all over myself and Jet. No, Jet doesn’t like that at all. And he starts pounding his giant fist into my fragile face with his oversized muscles.

I’m seriously convinced I’m going to die. Jet was going to kill me. A fist hits me in the temple and I’m out cold.

I wake up, no one, NO one called for help. I’m still in the parking lot. I’m still covered in feces and vomit. I can’t remember exactly what happened, but that’s because I have a concussion. My face feels like is has dried mud on it. I touch it and look at my fingers. Close, but its blood not mud. I look around, there’s no one left here. The mini van is the only car in the lot still. Oh, and it’s covered in pictures of male genitalia and the words “Faggot” and “Gay” are repeated several times.

I get in, reach in my pockets for the keys, they aren’t there. Great! Fan-fucking-tastic! I live 20 miles away!

I could not take it anymore. For 8 years Jet has bullied me. For 8 years Jet has terrorized me! For 8 FUCKING YEARS JET HAS TORTURED ME! I am NOT going to take it anymore!


The night echoes with my scream.

I go to the mini van. I hotwire the damn thing. I’m a genius remember? Brains are good for something. My average speed going home was about 65 mph. Not bad for a mini van and a geek behind the wheel. I make it home and go to the den. The walls are covered with animal heads. Dad is a hunter. I open the closet that has the gun safe in it. I open it and the safe and pull out my granddad’s .45 from his army days. I grab a clip, load it and pull back the slide like a professional. Did I mention my dad takes me shooting and hunting with him every other weekend?

It was Friday night; I knew where all the cool kids were going to be. Every Friday the social somebodies go to the lake and burn shit in a bon fire. I was about to bring some extra heat to their fire.

I skid to a halt in the dirt. I‘m out of the car and crossing the crowd before anyone knows what’s happening. I level the gun and the crowd goes silent.

“Hey, Jet.” I say softly.
“Hey Reese. I’m glad to see you’re okay.” He’s scared shitless.
“Oh, I’m fine, thanks.” I give him a smile. “Sorry to interrupt your party, I’ll just be going now. Goodbye Jet.”

I squeeze the trigger and the bullet rips through his chest.

Thud. His lifeless carcass hits the ground.

I walk back to the van, get in and drive back to the house. As the streetlights whiz by the windshield, the reality of the situation hits me. Now, I’m scared.

I reach home again. I think I know the only thing left to do now. I can’t run from the cops. I go to my room and sit at my desk. I pull a sheet of paper from my printer and grab a pen.

I start the letter. Mom, Dad, it’s not your fault.

The taste of the metal was bittersweet.

Music is NOT My Anti-Drug

Music Soothes the heart, soul, and mind. Music is my drug. I'm addicted.

I want to cover old song. Songs that I love, but a LOT of people don't know. Like earlier on the radio I heard a familiar guitar riff. It was Personal Jesus by Depeche Mode. And someone had remixed it and it was a hip-hop stlye song. But the lyrics were completely different, which is dumb, because that's an awesome song. The only thing similar was a line "Reach out and touch me" modified from "Reach out and touch faith". Idk, I dug the song, but I was thinking that I'd love to hear a straight up modern cover of the song. I thought that I wanted to do that. That I SHOULD do that. Then when I was almost home, another awesome song came up, this time it was the original. Fun, Fun, Fun by The Beach Boys. I kinda want to cover that. And it got me thinking, that there's a whole era of great music, that would be awesome to cover from. I know I'm not the first person to think of this. But I think it would be really fun to do some covers.

idk... I get excited easily (boots) I know, but whatever. Just though I'd share.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

True Stories Are Often The Best

I had to. I had to leave the house. I was going crazy.
Car keys: Check.
Wallet: Check.
Papers: Check.
Guitar: Check.

Drive. Where Do I go? Mental image emerges. To the lake!

Man (can I call myself that?) sitting in between two trees. Looks out over the lake. He has a guitar in his lap. Playing a soft and sweet melody.

Fuck yeah! I did that!. It was like real life album art. =]

Seriously, one of the coolest moments I've ever had.

Peace and love.