Sunday, August 9, 2009

One Last Time

So as most people know, I'm not going to have internet at my house anymore, something about not having the money for that, but we can still have TV which no one in my family really watches. Pisses me off.

So today I make the trip back to Show Low. My iPod, which I borrowed from my dad, ran out of juice a long time ago, so I don't think I'm going to have good music to keep me company, that's a bummer. I was also up very late last night soooo I'm probably going to fall asleep behind the wheel, crash, and die, and it will be all your fault (you know who you are).

I don't know what I want. And everyone tells me to move back here, which coming from the Show Low crowd it's kinda like "Gee thanks, I wouldn't want me around either." and that's not what is meant, but I can't help but assume the worse, because I'm me.

So yeah, I don't really know what to say, I kinda feel like this should be a farewell of sorts, but I don't think anyone really cares if I lose internet, because I see most of the people who read this at school...or I used to. I'm going to miss last years seniors a little, there was a handful of really cool people in that class.

Well, it's been real blogger community. I hope you had as much fun as I did. Thanks for sometimes commenting on the stuff I posted. Thanks for putting up with me.

Peace and love.

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