Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Howdy? Who the fuck says "howdy?"

So, per Heather's request I think I'm going to try to blog more often.

At the moment I'm listening to Pandora, my heavy metal station, by the way Bon Jovi's Wanted Dead or Alive apparently count as heavy metal? and Ozzy has come up 3 out of 6 times so far.

Things with Tiffany are good as always. It's been six and a half months and we've fought maybe once? I don't know if that counted or not... but as much as that is awesome it scares me? it makes no logical sense to think it but sometimes I can't help but feel like it's building up into one huge fight. Most of the time I just think it's awesome.

My dad sarted a new drug regiment and is doing better for now. It's good to see him up and about instead of stuck in bed or on the couch.

I found a source of free internet at my house. The connection is pretty bad sometimes, but it's better than nothing.

Fuck school haha. I need a break from it. Between work and school I have very little free time. I should be writing a critique for philosophy that due tonight but I can't think of what to write about.

Dinner with kara, heather, and tiffany was awesome. We need to do it more often and it turns out i'm not a bad cook so maybe it'll be our turn to do it.

Wal-Mart haha... what can I say, it's a job.

That's all I can think of. Peace out


Heather Renee said...

I say howdy! well, not really, but now I am going to start.

Hair, I don't really know what to say to you right now with the circumstances, but I wanted to remind you that I am always here for you, and you can come over and I can cook you more amazing things and we don't even have to talk. You can just sit there and not be alone. :/
If I prayed, it would be in regards to you. Hope you're okay.

Hair said...

Thank you very much and I might just take you up on that.

Heather Renee said...

You better. :)