Thursday, February 3, 2011

TPS Report

So, balancing work and school is super hard, especially since I really can't kick my procrastinating habit. Wal-Mart isn't as bad as most people say it is. I get decent pay (More than minimum wage) and 70% of the people are okay and I love getting paid. My job is just so monotonous though. And time consuming. I mean I can get an 8 hour shift (lasts 9 hours) that literal kills all but two of the hours that I'm functioning a day. And then there's 5 classes and for some stupid reason they want me to do stuff like homework of a certain quality.

But yeah, that's my major complain. I mean the fact that my mom is barely making it month to month also seriously sucks, but we're coming to accept it. Also the lack of a father kinda sucks...

I love my Droid X though. 500 times better than an iPhone, mostly cuz it can do anything an iPhone can, it cost me less, looks sexier, and does things an iPhone can't, like say it's own name (exactly like a pokemon).

(Sorry Heather, but...) I love my girlfriend.

Also: am becoming leet hacker (or should I say "1337 |-|4<|<3r") [if you can read that congrats] well at the very least i'm becoming better aquainted with computers and certain less-than-kosher programs and what-not. Thanks are much due to one "Stewie."

Well this is how I've decided to spend my Digital Photography class tonight, which Ben's Mom is in, which is kinda weird cuz that means I have more contact with her than him and I didn't think that would ever happen.

P.S. Did anyone understand the TPS report reference? Just curious.
P.P.S. Middle-grey. That is all.


Heather Renee said...

whoa whoa whoa!
you were the one texting me, all "hey babe!" so I don't wanna hear it!

keep your chin up. :)

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